Publications and lectures
Einreichende: Christoph Bierschwale, Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt (beide Universität Bielefeld); Titel: Die Perspektiven der Kategorisierung, Rekategorisierung und Dekategorisierung in ihrer Wechselwirkung mit Unterrichtsmaterialien – eine international-vergleichende Analyse Tagungsband der DGfE Sektionstagung Sonderpädagogik
Scientific theories and concepts
This is about the scientific foundation of the teaching material. In this case, the material should incorporate the latest scientific theories and concepts. The relevant sciences are to be determined on a case-by-case basis, but these usually include, for example, the specialist sciences (mathematics, German studies, etc.), specialist didactics and pedagogy / educational science, and the findings of pedagogical psychology are also of high relevance. Findings about the design of the materials must also be included here. The scientific theories and concepts provide the argumentation basis for decisions about the preparation of the teaching material.
Example questions:
Which funding priorities or funding goals are the focus of the material?
Which primary school pedagogical core areas are affected by the material?
Which disciplines are the focus of the material?
Which didactic principles are used in the context of the material?