Publications and lectures
Einreichende: Christoph Bierschwale, Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt (beide Universität Bielefeld); Titel: Die Perspektiven der Kategorisierung, Rekategorisierung und Dekategorisierung in ihrer Wechselwirkung mit Unterrichtsmaterialien – eine international-vergleichende Analyse Tagungsband der DGfE Sektionstagung Sonderpädagogik
Project partners
Prof. Dr. Anette Bagger
Örebro University
Prof. Dr. Anette Bagger brings to the project her expertise in the field of mathematics didactics and the didactics of science with a focus on the primary school sector. The research focus of Prof. Dr. Bagger is on children with special educational needs. Furthermore, Prof. Bagger conducts research on inclusive education in Sweden.
Frau Dr. Annamaria Ardemagni
Grundschulsprengel Bozen
Furthermore, we cooperate with the primary school district of Bolzano, represented by the teacher Mrs. Annamaria Ardemagni. Ms. Ardemagni has many years of experience in the didactic preparation of inclusive lessons and the organization of inclusive learning settings.
Prof. Dr. Katja Andersen
University of Luxembourg
Prof. Dr. Katja Andersen works in particular on the learning and teaching of science, with a special focus on primary education. Furthermore, Prof. Andersen brings great knowledge in inclusive education in Luxembourg, with consideration of the multilingual context.