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With regard to the local school conditions, all demographic, personnel, financial and spatial factors must be taken into account. Here it is necessary to check which possibilities / potentials exist in the school and where, for example, there are financial restrictions. On the part of the learners, for example, it is important to know what demographic peculiarities are at the school, is there a high proportion of poverty / Hartz 4 in the school district, or are there peculiarities with regard to the history of migration, e.g. a very high proportion of children with refugee experiences the cultural context in the families of origin is important here. A teaching material should, for example, not exclude pupils: inside because of their cultural context. Furthermore, language support options should also be built in, if necessary.

Example questions:

  • Does my school have the financial means to purchase this material?

  • What time frame (e.g. 45-minute hours, blocks of double hours) do I have for using the material?

  • Which room (s) are available for using the material?

  • Which employees are available for the introduction and use of the material?

  • With which material already known to the pupil can I combine this material?

  • What connection options does the material offer to the school development goals?

  • Which competencies and educational standards of the underlying curriculum / curriculum does the material take up?

  • What connection options are there with regard to the socio-economic environment of the school?

  • What is the number of materials in the school?

  • How is the material accessible to me?


School-local conditions

  • Welche/n Raum/Räume sind zur Verwendung des Materials verfügbar?

  • Welche Mitarbeiter:innen stehen mir im Rahmen der Einführung/Anwendung des Materials zur Verfügung?

  • Mit welchem den Schüler:innen bereits bekannten Material kann ich dieses Material kombinieren?

  • Welche Anschlussmöglichkeiten bietet das Material an die Schulentwicklungsziele?

  • Welche Kompetenzen und Bildungsstandards des zugrunde liegenden Lehrplans/Curriculums greift das Material auf?

  • Welche Anschlussmöglichkeiten ergeben sich im Hinblick auf das sozio-ökonomische Umfeld der Schule?

  • In welcher Anzahl ist das Material in der Schule vorhanden?

  • Wie ist das Material für mich zugänglich?



Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt

Christoph Bierschwale

Bielefeld University

Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft


Bielefeld University

Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft

Postfach 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld
+49 (0) 521 10667754 (Office)
+49 (0) 521 1063320 (Secretariat)

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