Publications and lectures
Einreichende: Christoph Bierschwale, Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt (beide Universität Bielefeld); Titel: Die Perspektiven der Kategorisierung, Rekategorisierung und Dekategorisierung in ihrer Wechselwirkung mit Unterrichtsmaterialien – eine international-vergleichende Analyse Tagungsband der DGfE Sektionstagung Sonderpädagogik
Process model for inclusion-sensitive educational materials
It is often the case that for the specific learning situation and constellation on site there are no blind materials that are sufficiently sensitive to inclusion in terms of scope and quality. The available materials usually lack selected dimensions of diversity that still have a significant impact on learning on site.
In such cases it is necessary that the teacher is enabled to add what is missing to existing educational materials or to tackle new developments.
Click on one of the fields in the model to find out more.