Publications and lectures
Einreichende: Christoph Bierschwale, Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt (beide Universität Bielefeld); Titel: Die Perspektiven der Kategorisierung, Rekategorisierung und Dekategorisierung in ihrer Wechselwirkung mit Unterrichtsmaterialien – eine international-vergleichende Analyse Tagungsband der DGfE Sektionstagung Sonderpädagogik
Inclusive educational materials for the designated school subjects
Module 2 focuses on educational materials that are sensitive to inclusion. First, the term inclusion and its historical development is defined, in order to then clarify the question of what inclusion-sensitive teaching materials actually are.
Contents of module 2: Inclusion-sensitive educational materials
1) History concept of inclusion
2) Definition of inclusion in its variants
3) Definition of educational materials
4) Definition of inclusion-sensitive educational materials
5) Further reading