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Mathematics | Examples of use by teachers


In this video, materials on semi-written addition are assessed.

Simon, Nina; Simon, Hendrik (2017): Das Mathe-Inklusions-Paket 2. Für Kinder mit Förderbedarf in den Bereichen Wahrnehmung und Lernen. Offenburg: Mildenberger. S. 153-158.

School grade level 2


In this video, materials on the number range up to 20 are assessed.

Fördern inklusiv. Zahlenraum bis 20. Heft 2. Braunschweig: Westermann, 2013

Kapitel: Subtrahieren im Zahlenraum bis 20 ohne Zehnerübergang, Seiten 22-27

Independent of school grade level


In this video, materials on the transition to tens in the number range up to 20 are assessed.

Rödler, Klaus (2016): Mathe inklusiv: Zehnerübergang im Zahlenraum bis 20. AOL Verlag. Hamburg

School grade level 1


In this video, multiplication and division materials are assessed.

Auer Verlag 2014

School grade level 2


In this video, materials on the number 10 assessed.

(Zugriff: 14.11.2021 13 Uhr)

School grade level 1


In this video, materials on calculating up to 1.000.000 assessed.

Schmidtpott, Ben; Hacker, J. u.a. (2018): Denken und Rechnen. Fördern Inklusiv. Heft 14: Rechnen bis 1 000 000. Braunschweig: Westermann Gruppe.

School grade level 4

swedish video maths kk cover.PNG

In this video, the criteria catalogue is presented using teaching materials for the subject of mathematics.

Language: Swedish

swedish video maths 2 kk cover.PNG

In this video, the criteria catalogue is presented using teaching materials for the subject of mathematics.

Language: Swedish


This video shows an example application of the criteria catalogue. The application is based on a school book from the first grade in the subject mathematics with all thematic content of this grade and is carried out by a trainee teacher.


- MiniMax 1 – Edition 2019
- ISBN: 978-3-12-280632-3
- Ernst Klett Verlag


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