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Inclusion-sensitive educational materials particularly support reflection on one's own learning process and thus also the acquisition of metacognitive knowledge that goes beyond the actual learning subject. The following questions deal with this:

  • Does the learning material encourage learners to try out different learning techniques, reflect on their added value and choose the technique that suits them best?

  • Does the educational material provide feedback and thereby enable the learners to perceive and better understand their own learning needs on a cognitive and emotional level?

  • Does the educational material enable and promote the documentation of one's own learning path, its reflection and the planning of the next learning steps?

Inclusion-sensitive educational materials not only enable learners to develop a specific subject. They also enable the learners to reflect on their own learning characteristics and needs and thereby better understand them and to find suitable learning techniques for their individual needs. To this end, they also impart general knowledge about learning techniques, encourage their use and show their benefits for various learning occasions.



Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt

Christoph Bierschwale

Bielefeld University

Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft


Bielefeld University

Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft

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33501 Bielefeld
+49 (0) 521 10667754 (Office)
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