Publications and lectures
Einreichende: Christoph Bierschwale, Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt (beide Universität Bielefeld); Titel: Die Perspektiven der Kategorisierung, Rekategorisierung und Dekategorisierung in ihrer Wechselwirkung mit Unterrichtsmaterialien – eine international-vergleichende Analyse Tagungsband der DGfE Sektionstagung Sonderpädagogik
IO 5 accompanying study
Presentation at scientific conferences
The project is regularly presented and discussed at national and international congresses. In particular, central project results should be presented and feedback should be obtained. The project has participated in many international conferences, e.g. at WERA, AERA and ECER.
Publications of the results
Articles are preferably submitted in journals that have a strict quality management system against which the articles can be measured. The double blind peer review is of particular importance as the strictest selection process.